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1988 The First Issue

Why Trellis? TRELLIS? What's that? A trellis is a grating of light wooden bars used as a support for fruit trees or creepers.

The best way to find out something at World Vision is to ask someone. Some of the most important and useful information you'll get at World Vision will be via the Grapevine.

But even the best grapevine needs a bit of support. This newsletter - "TRELLIS" - is meant to make our informal information exchanges more effective and accurate.


It's unusual if a week goes by without us meeting together as a whole staff for staff devotions. It's an important activity that reminds us that we are part of something bigger.

But no big devos were held this week because of the short week and the short staff.


Our Christmas Day media promotion based on this theme got good response from ABC Radio and SBS‑TV.

Friends at church were surprised to see me at the 8 am service. "I just heard you on the radio," they said in surprise.

Did you see or hear any other media using the stories?


I was proud to see how the whole office shaped itself in prayer around Greg and Catherine Thompson when we got news of Damien's accident.

There were many prayers said. Some paused deliberately to pray. We kept drawing the prayerful thought of Damien back into their minds while working throughout the day.

God heard both kinds of prayer! Praise and thank Him.

Consult the grapevine for the latest news on Damien (so far so good), or call Greg on 327.


We can be thankful for good income so far. Nearly three months gone and our income is only just behind plan at almost $9 million. Expenses are just about right on target. Good management.

Best news is that we are well ahead compared to this time last year.


The annual UNICEF report, "The State of the World's Children 1989" has been published.

"For one sixth of mankind, the march of human progress has become a retreat. At least half a million children have died in the last twelve months as a result of the debt crisis and recession."

The report's main themes:‑

1. The proportion of the developing world's children protected by immunization has leapt from 5% to 50% in the last ten years. One of the greatest achievements of our times!

2. UNICEF argues that literacy and child health, not dollars and weapons, should be the judge of a nation's achievements.

3. There's a list of vital child health facts which every family should now know.

4. Aid from the rich world has not reached the targets agreed to over 20 years ago. And most aid still does not go to the poorest nations or the poorest people.

The report is worth reading. Ask the information centre for more details.


Our Board met on Wednesday 21 December. The main topic was my job description. Talk about job descriptions is usually more helpful than the written down words.

When did you last have a talk with your boss about your job description? Times and jobs change. Often the words on the paper don't correspond to today's reality.

I also shared some of my well-known ideas on management for innovation.

I drew a bridge, and suggested that World Vision has only two kinds of customers ‑‑ our supporters, and people in project communities. All of us exist to serve these customers (or to serve someone else who is serving these customers).
